Business proposal

Boris Belevtsov


My name is Boris Belevtsov, I am the founder of online services, in which families with children, as well as everyone who wants to, in addition to safe communication and acquaintance, in the process of everyday life, are learn to the communication without insults and fight against child and teenage psyche in adults in order to create an environment of truly adult people, thanks to which every child will be able to focus on discovering of its natural potential for further self-realization in life!

I suppose there is no need to explain what a child's self-realization will lead to in life ...


«» | Smart Social Media for Real Americans.
SMART SOCIAL MEDIA FOR REAL AMERICANS | Глобальная Cоциальная Cеть для Настоящих Русских

«» | Smart Social Media for Real Han Chinese.

«» | Smart Social Media for Real Indians.

«» | Smart Social Media for the Global Middle Class.

and etc.

See next..

How it works

Dear partners, do not make hasty conclusions regarding of the problem of the presence of a child's psyche in adults! It is important to understand that in fact, each person has two ages - biological and worldview. A person may have a biological age of 35-40 years, and worldview age is still the same teenager!

At first glance, this is not so obvious, but almost all the problems of mankind, from small domestic quarrels to international conflicts, lie in the field of this problem!

An example of the presence of a child (teenage) psyche in adults!
For clarity, a case from the field of IT investments is given.
Before we consider the case, let's say the following! A truly adult person is a person who takes into account the possibility of negative consequences from their actions and is responsible for them, first, and secondly, a person's desire for anonymity in the network and in life in order not to be responsible for their words and actions is a sign of the child's psyche in adult No. 26 . It is also unacceptable that among the elites of various countries there are adults with a teenage psyche, who later parasitize on the masses of people with a child's psyche! So!

Let's look a situation in which investors, who cannot foresee all the fleeting changes in the IT field, invest in a young entrepreneur - presumably an IT genius. (hereinafter programmer)..

In the wake of the growing interest of people in online communication means, "programmer" copies clones of popular social media and launches them in his region. In order to attract users, "programmer" creates technical conditions within its network for the free distribution of pirated content, which causes serious damage to the local music and film industry, and also demotivates the work of most specialists who remain without professional earnings for decades. It is not obvious to everyone, but the growth of clone-network users also occurs due to the natural need of people to communicate, and when the social network becomes a system-forming one in the region "programmer", being its "loyal" and "faithful" founder, sells it, while emphasizing that he left the project on time. This behavior is not typical of most bona fide founders!

In the wake of the growing interest of people in messengers, "programmer" presents its anonymous version of the messenger, in which anonymity is chosen in order, as in the case of the clone-network, to attract the attention of users. The problem of society is the desire of people to avoid responsibility for their actions and anonymity allows you to do this. Who is most eager to avoid responsibility? Children and teenagers! Moreover, an anonymous Internet platform is a crime, terrorism, drug addiction, fake information, where anonymity in ordinary people generates speculation, speculation generates distrust, and distrust - aggression and fear.

In the wake of growing interest in blockchain, having gained the trust of investors who continue to see it as a "genius", and not a 35-year-old man with the psyche of a 16-year-old irresponsible teenager, "programmer" collects almost $1.7 billion investments from more than 170 investors for the issue of a non-existent cryptocurrency at that time! Almost $ 2 billion in the hands of a teenager?! And this is a big problem! It is one thing to copy the open source code, another thing to create a cryptocurrency from scratch, provided that presumably the investment goes, among other things, to cover the costs of an anonymous messenger, which continues to show the growth of new users at the expense of not quite adults in the worldview of people! The goal of the "programmer" is obvious - the resale of an unprofitable messenger "pumped up" by insolvent users for several billion dollars! The question is, who will buy? And how this story will end, it will not be difficult to predict..

The final decision-making is always emotional and based on sympathy or antipathy towards the person. I also apologize for the harshness, this is my personal opinion and your right to agree or disagree with it, but the consequences of the actions of such "adults" with a child's psyche are global and affect the destinies of hundreds of millions of people around the world!
ATTENTION! Before investing, it would be good to check the founders for signs of a child and teenage psyche, so that later you do not regret the money, time, energy, nerves spent and newly created problems in society!
That's how it works!
Where else in life can each of us influence the choice of a partner?
It is possible to check a biologically adult person for signs of a teenage worldview or a child's psyche:

1 when choosing a partner in matters of creating a family;
2 when choosing friends;
3 when choosing the environment of children;
4 when choosing neighbors in matters of purchasing housing;
5 when choosing teachers, doctors, lawyers, business partners;
6 when the owner of the business chooses managers and members of top management;
7 when the leader chooses his employees;
8 and, most importantly, when ordinary people choose future officials, civil servants and heads of states!


Each product (web resource) is a kit consisting of 5 services + an internal messenger:

1 Service «Conflict-free communication tool»;
2 Service «Safe Dating»;
3 Ad service «Marketplace»;


4 Service «Learning to communication without insults»;
5 Service «Fighting agaist the child's psyche and the teenage worldview in adults, as well as teenagers and children!».

NOTE «People Chain Messenger» is an internal and unifying messenger available exclusively to users within all conflict-free communication tools developed using the «Conflict-free thinking™» technology. Included in the General kit!

* Unfortunately, the main problem of many popular first-generation social networks is that in the process of communication, people do not growing up in their worldview! When communicating with each other, teenagers are focused only on themselves. In this case, each distracts the focus of the other's attention, usually on something insignificant. Constantly distracted by peers, the child forms an erroneous stereotypical worldview for him, that everything should be like this, that all the people around live like this, and this means that it is correct. And this natural and only behavior pattern for a child is repeated from year to year for decades, where «children» are at the mercy of the worldview of «children» - the process of looping takes place! As a result, we have a biologically adult person 25-40 years old with the psyche of the child, and as a result, unable to answer for their words and deeds.

It is important to understand that it is the child’s surroundings that forms the correct adult worldview in him and, if he is surrounded by overgrown teenagers who unconsciously divert his attention to things that are insignificant for a person, then the child in adult life, and not having to overcome the teenage worldview in himself, will remain life as a «teenager», generating problems for himself, his family and society! The proposed conflict-free social media, which are currently being worked on, are aimed specifically at solving this problem.

Business model

5 sources of income in each product:

1 Annually renewable premium subscription (depending on the tariff scale and product segmentation: $29,90; $49,90; $129,90; $249,90);
2 Contextual advertising;
3 Dating service (paid services for the promotion of ads, tokens of attention, etc.);
4 Ads service (paid services for promoting ads);
5 Additional paid services in the colored blocksign system «Conflict-free thinking™»* .

* Сolored blocksign system «Conflict-free thinking™». How it works, how the whole project works - this information is confidential.

NOTE ATTENTION! To ensure financial stability, stability of the project development as a whole, as well as to ensure the profitability of each regional product, free registration of users in resources is excluded! The consumer value lies exclusively in the paid access to the services offered.

Target customers

The main target customers are families with children, where parents are very concerned about the future fate of their children!
NOTE In particular, families where parents are concerned that they do not have the opportunity to fully constantly control their children and influence their environment on which the formation of the worldview of a truly adult person in the child's psyche will depend!

Also target audience segments:

1 Women and men 18+ who are looking for a life partner in order to create a strong family;
2 Women experiencing domestic violence;
3 Children and teenagers who insult and humiliate each other online, at school and on the street;
4 Relatives or friends who have already had problems with loved ones due to the identification of signs of a child's psyche in adult life;
5 All people, regardless of social status, nationality and skin color, for whom the value of being surrounded by truly adult people in the worldview is important!


For the purpose of exclusively professional introduction of new differentiated products to the market, accelerate the early growth stage and then scale up, I have decided to assemble an international* team of managing business partners with at least 25 years of experience in highly qualified, ambitious management around the world! Objective: to really contribute to the effective implementation of the project by introducing the best world management practices of the future company!

I am interested in partners with a good understanding of how to carry out tasks for the international promotion of the products of the company, as well as in owners willing to hire the best specialists available on the market for this. Priority is given to partners and management who share the same goals and intentions as the founder!

The estimated share of minority interests: 0.95%, 1.95%, 2.95% (ratio 1.5X for 1.95%; 2X for 2.95% under the "buy more, invest more" model), no more than 25% minus 1 share. Depending on the volume of investments and the ambitions of future partners, other options for equity participation are acceptable.

Excessive politicization and bias in relation to each other and in relation to the products of the future company is not welcome among partners! Exclusively professional global work aimed at the whole of mankind is welcome among our partners!

* The international team should consist of regional representatives from 1 to 5 business partners representing the following geographic regions: Eurasia, Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.

NOTE The project is in the pre-investment phase, the number of employees is 1 person.(author-developer + "garage"), the stage of development of the technical form is 75-80%, the content is 90-95%.

Scale of investment

Based on a preliminary analysis of a diversified portfolio of products (more than 70 products) and based on the launch of the first 10 products to the market, selected for purchasing power parity, as well as based on the forecast of the implementation of the marketing plan* for 3-5 years, investments in data centers and operational activities, I assume the minimum required volume initial capital investment in the amount of _____ МEuro**.

* Investment in promotion only at the launch stage, image advertising for primary informing the target audience in order to launch a viral promotion!

** The amount of investment is not specified, as it will be determined on the basis of a collective decision of future partners and will depend on the chosen development strategy, ambitions and intentions of partners!

NOTE It is important to note that feedback confirms that products of this topic have a resonant property of viral promotion (Evangelism marketing), namely, my friends, who have an average of two or three children in the family, ask me to speed up the process of launching my project! Yes, I understand that it is not advisable to delay the release of products to the market, but for me it is especially important that the products have high professional quality before they are released, are really effective in solving issues of human relations, and are accessible to all peoples in the world at the same time! And the presence of viral promotion in the future will save significant money on promotion and marketing. It is also important to say that the very existence of this project can cause discreditable damage to existing first-generation social media due to the loss of trust in them by users! What I'm very sorry about!

NOTE It is also important to note that products in this category have a network effect!


1 Focus on the production of a highly professional, and most importantly effective product, as well as the development and support of a highly professional level of the product;
2 Introducing differentiated products to the international market and creating a new premium social media market (in the future more than 320 pcs.); (not aggressive marketing!);
3 Formation of a base of first adherents* and phased sale of 20 million annual subscriptions over a period of 3-5 years (sales checkpoints: 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000, 5,000,000, 10,000,000, 20,000,000); (management pool option: 2.95%);
4 Reaching the break-even point and creating an environment that ensures the financial stability of the company for long-term value creation of key brand capitals;

* People who share the value of communication exclusively surrounded by truly adults!

Any means of online communication where there is a possibility of communication between people.

NOTE It is important to note that at the moment most popular first-generation social networks are not exactly social! Is it possible to call a social network where people don't care about each other? Just as it is difficult to call the network global, which in fact is not able to be unifying for people in terms of content. In confirmation of this fact, in each region, local people have a dominant interest in their local social networks, which in turn will definitely never become global.

The reason for this fact is 5 gross mistakes*, laid down at the very beginning of the development of such networks. Let me remind you that everything that can be corrected is not an error. One of the main mistakes is the incorrect prioritization of the form over the content! In form (terms of reference) - a social network, and in content - there is no content at all! And ordinary people feel it well. That is why the lifespan of such networks for users is short, the resource quickly becomes popular, but people quickly lose interest in it, as a result, such a resource does not withstand long-term competition. As a result, the dominant player in the social media market, being at the mercy of forced decisions and solely in order not to lose its leading position, has to buy up potentially growing competitors for tens of billions of dollars!

These 5 mistakes were taken into account and corrected during the development of this project in order to create a truly global product on the social media market!

* the information is confidential.

Mission and vision

The company will create certain conditions for people to communicate online using specialized communication tools, where, being in the generated environment of truly adult people, each person will be able to focus on revealing their natural potential for the purpose of self-realization in life!

To do this, we will use the following chain of values:

1 in order for a person to realize himself in life a person will need to reveal his natural potential;
2 in order to reveal the natural potential, a person will need to overcome the child's psyche in himself in adult life;
3 in order for a person to overcome the child's psyche in adult life, using the system of color blocksigns «Conflict-free thinking™» in the process of everyday communication in our resources, firstly, a person will need to learn how to communicate without insults (that is, not to elevate themselves by humiliating others!), and secondly, a person will need to identify and overcome 53 signs of the child's psyche and/or teenage worldview, thereby forming a worldview of a truly adult person!

This is what we will do!

NOTE In the future, this should lead a society where there will be fewer adults with a child's psyche, who will generate less problems and conflicts for each other, and more people with a truly adult worldview, who will be able to listen and hear each other, will be able to negotiate with each other, and most importantly, they will be able to really effectively solve social problems! More simply, there will be fewer problems in society and more people capable of solving problems!

Company development prospects for shareholders

The core competencies of the future company «OneAccountProducts» will be the development and maintenance of conflict-free social media, which in the future will have a beneficial effect on:

✔ the image of the company during the expansion of its IT products to new markets;
✔ promotion of its corporate and sub-brands;
✔ an increase in its value and the value of its intangible assets;
✔ the ability of the company's products to be unique and competitive;
✔ minimization of country risks of the company's development in the long term, as well as in conditions of uncertainty;
✔ minimization of country and economic risks of shareholders due to the growth of their reputational capital!

Contact Information
P. S. We will be glad to everyone, but at the same time we will carefully choose partners and consider only the best and most serious conditions of offers. In addition to the intentions to participate, it is important for us that future partners have competencies in the field of the world's best business practices and specialized expertise. Due to the social importance of the project and the possible risks of development in conditions of uncertainty in the long term, it is important for future partners to have personal responsibility for transparent financing of the project as a whole.

In order to speed up the consideration of your proposal and the negotiation process, please duplicate your "Term Sheet" in the founder's language (Russian) and specify at the very beginning:


Attention! The whole project consists of more than 70 geographically diversified prototype resources plus one prototype of a global internal unifying messenger.


Based on the market launch of the first 10 products selected by purchasing power parity.

Contact person: Boris Belevtsov
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you are interested in my proposal, consider the project for participation.

Thank you
Best regards,
Boris Belevtsov

NOTE I apologize in advance for any possible unexpected delays in response due to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as for possibly incorrect Google/Yandex translation!

Our products solve the problem of relationships between people around the world!

The list

The list of potential strategic partners.

- «AAC Capital»; Net
- «ABRT Venture Capital»;
- «Accel Partners»; UK
- «Acero Capital»;
- «ACME VC»;
- «Active Venture Partners»; Sp
- «Acton Capital»; Ger
- «Adara Ventures»; Sp Lux
- «ADD Venture»;
- «Aisling Capital»;
- «Allianz Global Investors»;
- «Alexandria Venture»;
- «Alfa-Group»; Rus
- «Almaz Capital»; Rus
- «AltaIR Capital»; Rus
- «Alven VC»; Fr
- «Arch Ventures»;
- «Arctic Ventures»;
- «Andreessen Horowitz»; US
- «Andgo Partners»; Hun
- «Amadeus Capital Partners»; UK
- «Amazon Venture Capital»;
- «AME Cloud Ventures»;*
- «Atlantic Bridge»; UK
- «Atlantic Labs»; Ger
- «Atlas Ventures»;
- «Atlas Ventures»;
- «Atomico»; UK
- «August Capital»;
- «Aspect Ventures»;
- «AWS Gründerfonds»; Aus
- «AXA Venture Partners»; Fr
- «Axon Partners Group»; Sp

- «Bain Capital Ventures»;
- «Balderton Capital»;* UK
- «Battery Ventures»;
- «Baring Vostok Capital Partners»;
- «Baseline Ventures»;
- «Benchmark Capital»;
- «Bessemer Venture Partners»;
- «Bezos Expeditions»;
- «Bezos Family Foundation»;
- «BGF»; UK
- «Bond Capital»;
- «Bonsai Venture Capital»; Sp
- «BoxGroup»;
- «Breyer Capital»;
- «Bridgewater»;
- «BlackRock»;
- «Blavatnik Foundation»;
- «BlueYard Capital»; Ger
- «BTOV Venture Capital»; Swit
- «Bystander Revolution»;

- «Cabot Square Capital»; UK
- «CapitalG»;
- «Capital Group»;
- «Capital Partners»;
- «Capital Today»;
- «Catagonia Capital»; Ger
- «Carlyle Capital»;
- «Charles River Ventures»;
- «Cherry Ventures»; Ger
- «Cisco Investments»;
- «Concentric Partners»; UK
- «Connect Ventures»; UK
- «Conor Venture Partners»; Fin
- «Comcast Ventures»;
- «Commerce Ventures»;
- «Collaborative Fund»;
- «Correlation Ventures»;
- «Creandum VC»; Sw
- «Credo Ventures»; Cze
- «Crestline Investors»;
- «Crosscut Ventures»; USA
- «Crosslink Capital»;
- «CRV»;

- «Day One Ventures»;
- «Daphni Ventures Capital»; Fr
- «Da Vinci Capital»;
- «Dawn Capital»; UK
- «DCM Partners»;
- «DCVC»;
- «DFJ Growth»;*
- «Deerfield Management»;
- «Draper Fisher Jurvetson»;
- «DN Capital»; UK
- «DST Global»; Rus
- «Dundee Venture Capital»;

- «Earlybird Venture Capital»; Ger
- «Eden Ventures»; UK
- «Eden Ventures»; NZ
- «eCAPITAL Partners»; Ger
- «Eight Roads Ventures»; UK
- «Elevation Partners»;
- «Elysian Capital»; UK
- «Emerald Tech»; Swit
- «Emerald Tech Ventures»; Swit
- «Encomenda VC»; Sp
- «Endeit Capital»; Neth
- «Entree Capital»; UK
- «E.Ventures»;
- «Experior Venture Fund»; Pol
- «Fastlane Ventures»;
- «Felicis Ventures»;
- «Felix Capital»; UK
- «Female Founders Fund»; W
- «ff Venture Capital»;
- «Fidelity Investments»;
- «FirstMark Capital»;
- «Firstminute Capital»; UK
- «First Round Capital»;
- «Forbion»; Net
- «Forerunner Ventures»;
- «Formation 8»;
- «Fort Ross Ventures»;
- «Fosun Eurasia Capital LLC»;
- «Founders Fund»;
- «Foundation Capital»;
- «Founder Collective»;
- «Flagship Pioneering»;
- «Floodgate Fund»;
- «Fly Ventures»; Ger
- «Flybridge Capital Partners»; USA

- «Gagarin Capital»; Rus
- «Gates Foundation»;
- «Gaorong Capital»;
- «General Catalyst»;
- «Garage Technology Ventures»;
- «GEM Capital»;
- «GGV Capital»;
- «Go Beyond»; Swi
- «Google Capital»;
- «Google Ventures»;
- «Golden Seeds»;
- «Gradient Ventures»;
- «Greycroft Partners»; W
- «Greylock Partners»;
- «Grishin Robotics»;
- «Global Corporate Venturing»;
- «GSR Ventures»;

- «Harrison Metal Capital»;
- «Hambro Perks»; UK
- «Hedgewood Inc.»;
- «henQ Venture Capital»; Neth
- «Hoxton Ventures»; UK
- «HV Holtzbrinck Ventures»; Ger
- «HWVP»;
- «High-Tech Gründerfonds»;
- «Hyde Park Venture Partners»;
- «J. Hunt Holdings»;
- «Hummingbird Ventures»; Bel

- «IA Ventures»;
- «Iconiq Capital»;
- «IDG Capital»;
- «Idinvest Partners»; Fr
- «iEurope group»; Hun
- «IIDF»;
- «Index Ventures»; UK
- «Industrifonden»; Sw
- «INKEF Capital»; Net
- «Innogest Capital»; Sw
- «Innovacom»; Fr
- «Innovation Nest»; Pol
- «Insight Partners»;
- «Institutional Venture Partners»;
- «Interros» Group; Rus
- «InterWest Partners»;
- «Inventure»; Fin
- «Inveready Tech Investment Group»; Sp
- «Illuminate Financial»; UK
- «IMI Venture Capital»; Rus
- «Impulse Venture Capital»;
- «Italian Angels»; It
- «iTech Capital»;
- «I2BF Global Ventures»; Rus

- «JamJar Investments»; UK
- «JPIF»; Pol
- «JME Venture Capital»; Sp

- «Kapor Capital»;
- «Karma Ventures»; Est
- «Kernel Capital»; Ire
- «Khosla Ventures»;
- «KFund»; Sp
- «Koum Family Foundation»;
- «Kibo Ventures»; Sp
- «Kindred Capital»; UK
- «Kinnevik»;
- «Kleiner Perkins»;
- «Kreos Capital»; UK
- «Kurma Partners»; Fr

- «Lakestar»; Swit
- «Langholm Capital»; UK
- «Lanta Digital Ventures»; Sp
- «Lavrock Ventures»;
- «LEA Partners»; Ger
- «Lerer Hippeau Ventures»;
- «London Venture Partners»; UK
- «Lowercase Capital»;
- «Libra Capital»;
- «Lighter Capital»;
- «Lightspeed Venture Partners»;
- «Lightspeed China Partners»;
- «Lukoil» PJSC;
- «Lumia Capital»;
- «Madrona Venture Group»;
- «Ma Jack Foundation»;
- «Mayfield Fund»;
- «Mail.Ru Group»;
- «MairDumont Ventures»; Ger
- «Mainport Inno Fund II»; Neth
- «Mangrove Capital Partners»; Lux
- «Matrix Partners»;
- «Maven Ventures»;
- «Maveron»;
- «Maxfield Capital»; Rus
- «Melnichenko Foundation»;
- «Menlo Ventures»;
- «Meritech Capital Partners»;
- «Mindrock Capital»;
- «Millhouse Capital»;
- «Mithril Capital»;
- «Morningside Group»;
- «Moonshots Capital»;
- «MPM Capital»;

- «Naspers»; RSA
- «Nero Ventures»; Sp
- «New Enterprise Associates»;
- «Newfund Capital»; Fr
- «New Product Experimentation»;
- «Next Equities»;
- «Neulogy Ventures»; Slo
- «Northcap»; Den
- «Northzone Partners»; UK
- «Norwest Venture Partners»;
- «Nova Founders Capital»; UK
- «Notion VC»; UK

- «Oak Investment Partners»;
- «Octopus Ventures»; UK
- «Omnes Capital»; Fr
- «Omidyar Network»;
- «Optimizer Invest»; Mal
- «Opus Capital»;
- «Oxford Capital»; UK

- «Pacific Investment»;
- «Pamplona Capital Partners»; UK
- «Par Equity»; UK
- «Partech Partners»; Fr
- «Passion Capital»; UK
- «Paua Ventures»; Ger
- «PBG FMC Venture Capital»; Hun
- «PeakSpan Capital»;
- «Pelion Venture Partners»;
- «Polaris Partners»;
- «Polytech Ventures»; Swit
- «PortfoLion Venture Capital»; Hun
- «Portugal Ventures»; Por
- «Primer Capital»; Rus
- «Project A»; Ger
- «Propel Venture Partners»; UK
- «Prosperity Capital»;
- «PFR Ventures»; Pol
- «P101 VC»; It

- «Qiming Venture Partners»;
- «QED Investors»;
- «Quadrivio Group»; It
- «Qualcomm Ventures»;

- «RA Capital»;
- «Rainfall Ventures»;
- «Rambler&Co»;
- «Randstad Inno Fund»; Neth
- «Rakuten Ventures»; Jap
- «Redalpine Partners»; Swit
- «Redpoint Ventures»;
- «Reed Elsevier Ventures»; UK
- «Revolution»;
- «Rex Capital»;
- «R-Group LLC»;
- «Rhodium»; Isr
- «RTP-Global»; Rus
- «RTAventures VC»; Pol
- «RRE Ventures»;
- «Rock Springs Capital»;
- «Rockaway Capital»; Cze
- «Rogers Jim»;
- «Rubicon Venture Capital»;
- «Russia Partners»;
- «Rusfund»;
- «Rutland Partners»; UK
- «Runa Capital»; Rus

- «Sapphire Ventures»;
- «Samaipata Ventures»; Sp
- «Scale Ventures Partners»;
- «Section 32»;
- «Seedcamp»; UK
- «Sequoia Capital»; US
- «Severstal Ventures»; Rus
- «Severstal Digital Businesses»; Rus
- «Severgroup»; Rus
- «Shasta Ventures»;
- «Shortcut Ventures»; Ger
- «Shift Invest»; Neth
- «Shunwei Capital»;
- «Silver Lake»;
- «Sistema Venture Capital»; Rus
- «Sistema» JSFC; Rus
- «Social Capital»;
- «Spark Capital»;
- «SpeedInvest»;
- «Sputnik Group»;
- «Spider Capital»;
- «Spintop Ventures»; Sw
- «Slim Fundación»;
- «SV Angel»;
- «State Street»;
- «Starta Ventures»; Rus
- «Storm Ventures»;
- «Skolkovo Ventures»;
- «Sky9 Capital»;
- «Smedvig Capital»;
- «Smedvig»;
- «Sofinnova Ventures»;
- «SoftBank Vision Fund»; Jap
- «Summit Partners»;
- «Sunstone Ventures»; Den
- «Susa Ventures»;
- «SVB Ventures»;
NOTE Due to the international importance of the project at the moment, the business proposal is relevant for entrepreneurs and companies that are not under international sanctions! As soon as the international situation improves, we will be ready to cooperate with everyone who wants to solve the problem of relationships between people around the world! We apologize and thank you for understanding!

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I was born on September 29, 1978 in Moscow in the family of a soldier ..